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How Social Media is Changing Marketing

Catherine Riley

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

Social media marketing is changing the way we do business, and it's important to recognize how these changes are affecting our approach to marketing.

You must really understand how people use social media to get the biggest impact.

Why should you care? Because it's not just about posting content. Social media is about engaging and connecting with your audience in a way that creates value for both parties. It's about giving people what they want in the way that works best for them, not necessarily the way you'd like to do it. So how do you make sure you're getting the most out of social media? Here are some tips:

  • Understand your audience. Where do they hang out online? What platforms do they use most often? Which ones are most effective at reaching them (and why)?

  • Create goals for yourself and your company's presence on social media platforms—what kind of ROI are you looking for, and how can it be measured? And if there isn't an immediate ROI involved here (maybe there won't be), what are some other benefits of using these channels instead of others like email marketing or paid advertising options like PPC ads or retargeting campaigns

Your audience is distracted and fickle, but they're also eager to share and explore.

Even though social media is a great way to reach people, it also gives them the opportunity to be distracted and fickle. To stay on their radar, you have to keep your content interesting and engaging. If you do that, they'll keep coming back for more—and if they don't feel like they're getting their money's worth from you, they'll move on.

To avoid this fate with your own audience:

  1. Be creative; don't post the same thing over and over again

  2. Learn from other brands (and from theirs); make sure each piece of content fits within your overall strategy

  3. Pay attention when people respond positively or negatively

  4. Ask for feedback through polling tools like SurveyMonkey or Typeform

  5. Consider using incentives like discounts as rewards for getting involved in certain campaigns/discussions on social media channels (this works especially well for e-commerce businesses).

Your content has to be interesting, but it also has to fit with the platform you're posting on.

People will be more likely to engage with your content if it's relevant to them. For example, if you're hosting an event for customers, take some pictures and post them on Instagram so people know what they're missing out on!

Your content must also be interesting enough to share with others. If someone likes food and sees a picture of a delicious steak dinner, chances are high that he'll want to share it with his friends who also like food (and maybe even cook something similar himself).

"Going viral" isn't a strategy. Your content needs a clear strategy that allows for different levels of success.

There are many articles that encourage you to "go viral" as a marketing strategy. However, this is not a good idea.

Your content needs a clear strategy that allows for different levels of success. If your goal is "going viral", then you need to have some sort of plan in place for what happens if it does so and how you will adjust your overall strategy accordingly.

You might think that getting millions of views on YouTube would be great, but if those views came at the expense of engagement with other parts of your channel or website (such as making follow-up videos), then they don't count! There are plenty of ways that social media can help increase sales without having an overnight sensation video go viral.

To expand your followers, you have to expand your thinking about what content is going to work for your audience.

It's not enough to just post any old thing and hope that it catches on. Instead, you need to do some research.

  1. Find out what your audience wants from their social media experience and then create content accordingly. You may even want to think outside the box when coming up with ideas; as long as they fit in with the general tone of how you talk and act online, anything goes!

  2. However, no matter what kind of content you decide on making or posting, consistency is key—and so is being genuine in everything that comes across your feed or blog posts (as much as possible).

  3. If people feel like they're getting a glimpse behind the curtain at who exactly it is behind all this stuff they're seeing everywhere online (or rather: online-ish), then they'll probably keep coming back because they feel a connection between themselves and whoever created all these things that seem relevant/interesting/funny/etcetera via their own experiences too!

It is important to remember that not everyone uses every social media platform.

Another important thing to remember is that not everyone uses every social media platform. While some people use only one or two platforms, others may use many. It's key to pick the right channels in order to reach your audience most effectively.

In fact, a lot of people might only use one or two platforms.

You might be surprised to learn that not everyone uses social media. In fact, a lot of people might only use one or two platforms.

For example, some people use social media to communicate with friends, while others use it for business purposes.

This means it is important to pick the right ones to target your audience most effectively.

Social media has changed the way businesses market their products. This means it is important to pick the right ones to target your audience most effectively. For example, Instagram is a good platform for targeting millennials and Pinterest is great for women in their 30s and 40s. You can also use Facebook ads to target people who have recently purchased certain products or are interested in certain topics.

When choosing which platforms to use, think about who your audience is first and then decide which platform will help you reach them best!

They are also a great way to get feedback on the things you are doing and provide an opportunity for your customers to contact you directly.

Social media is a great way to get feedback on the things you are doing. It’s also a great way to get feedback on the things you are not doing, and this can lead to some important insights. If you have a business that sells shoes, for example, social media may be an excellent place for people who love shoes but don’t like your brand or product line—or for those who do like it—to let you know exactly why they feel that way.

In other words: Social media allows customers to be honest about their experiences with your business in real time. And although this kind of honesty might hurt at first (especially if what they say isn't positive), it's critical as part of long-term strategy development and improvement efforts because it provides valuable data points that help companies improve their offerings over time by understanding what consumers truly want from them.

It is also important to consider how much time and money you want to devote to managing your social media presence.

Social media can be a lot of work, and it might not be worth it for every company or organization. You need to think about how much time you have available, how much money you want to spend on it, and whether or not the return on investment will make sense for your business. If it makes sense for yours, though, we have some tips below on getting started!

Social media can provide a lot of value if used correctly, but it can also be a drain if used incorrectly.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Social media is a great way to connect with customers, but it can also be a time-consuming and expensive way to do so. You need to understand the value each platform provides before you start using it.

  • It's important to know exactly what your goals are when marketing through social media because different platforms have different functions that may or may not help achieve them (for example, Facebook is good for engagement while Twitter is good for exposure).

  • The best thing about social media marketing is that it allows brands to interact directly with their customers. This gives brands an opportunity to build trust by creating authentic relationships with individuals and groups who share similar interests or values as their own company does.


We hope this article has helped you understand how social media can be used to connect with your audience and provide value. It is important to remember that social media changes constantly, but if used correctly the potential can be unlimited.

If you need help to grow your social media following, decide what content to post, or have someone manage your social end-to-end we can build a strategy that's right for your business. Contact Tenth Man Marketing today.

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